So what do you get when you put an engineer, a plumber and an open-source IT consultant together? A wooden sunglasses brand, of course! The story of ThisGuy is as interesting and varied as the professions of the three partners. Our history weaves through property investment, dating apps, Uber cars and finally an eCommerce fashion brand.The partners of ThisGuy are avid triathletes and trail runners, and take their inspiration from the trails of Table Mountain and the beautiful forests of Switzerland. This passion for the outdoors, coupled with a belief in the power of polarization, is pulled together to provide South Africa’s best and most affordable polarized wooden sunglasses.
As a company that is inspired by nature, and dedicated to leaving a net positive effect on the environment which inspires us, we have partnered with one of the world’s largest reforestation non-profit organisations to plant 10 trees in Africa for every pair of sunglasses sold. It is estimated that deforestation on the African continent is accelerating at twice the world rate. Roughly 90% of the original forests of West Africa and Madagascar have been wiped out, mostly driven by illegal logging to fulfil a dependence on wood as a fuel for cooking and heating.

We are passionate about restoring the forests of Africa to their former glory, and each purchase not only contributes to the millions of trees planted to counteract deforestation in Africa every month, but will also help to provide work for hundreds of local farmers in these areas. Our partners have planted almost 150 million trees in Africa thus far, and have created close to 1.5 million work days for the Malagasy people.
Take home a piece of Africa, and leave a forest behind…